Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Letter to the editor:Was the KM School Board decision to improve the football field a good decision?

Letter To the Editor:

Was the KM School Board decision to improve the football field a good decision?

The KM school board made a decision to invest over a million dollars to improve the football field. Other than that it would be nice to have, there was little or no information on how or why the school board made the decision.  My view is that the KM school board should have provided information as why they made this versus some other more basic needs of the school district.  Below are some questions that I think the KM school board should provide answers for the KM school tax payers. If you have similar thoughts please contact a KM school board member.

 •What other projects were considered for use of the money used on the football field project and what were the deciding factors in picking the football field project?  Wouldn’t the retrofit of the current unused classrooms be a candidate for the money used on the football field?

 •What is the impact to the yearly school operating budget due to increases in the operating and maintenance cost over the old football field, and how does this change over the next 10 to 20 years?

 •There is an implied school tax increase if the money spent on the football field improvement could have been used for other maintenance improvement that would have decreased the need for another bond referendum.

One has to wonder if the school board strategy of spending over a million dollars on superfluous needs in 2010, and then floating a multimillion dollar bond referendum for more basic needs in 2011 or 2012 will work in the worst economical times since the Great Depression.

Jerry Harris


  1. Congrats on the letter! I whole heartedly agree with you! The money can be better spent on the building other than a football field that won't be used enough.

  2. Judging from both comments above, neither author has watched the presentation or obtained the facts. It's not just a football field. And to the 2nd comment: not being used enough seems like the big reason to do this. According to the FACTS the stadium would be used more, by more people.


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