Thursday, October 28, 2010

Letter to the editor: Sheriff

Letter To the Editor:

I recently moved back to Dodge County, living the past 16 years in South Dakota, and I was most interested in the Sheriff’s race. Having worked in the Dodge County Auditor’s office many years I was familiar with Jim Jensen and Jim Trihey, both very nice men. I therefore had no idea who I would vote for-that is until Marigold Days when I was handed some slanderous information on one of the candidates and was told by the campaign person when I asked him did the candidate he represented endorse this and he answered yes he did. I could not believe it. This looked to be a desperate attempt to get some one elected. If you cannot run on your record and own accomplishments then don’t try cheap shots at your opponent. I am going to vote for Jim Trihey, not because of the blatant attempt to discredit him but because of his shown leadership, knowledge, ability and most of all experience. Having worked with Ernie Vanderhyde, Bill Weber and Gary Thompson, their confidence in Jim Trihey by promoting him to the position he now holds is a great endorsement for me. I believe Jim Trihey’s current position as acting sheriff will make him the most effective and excellent sheriff.

Rose Carlson
Kasson, MN


  1. Rose: Bill Weber has a Jim Jensen sign in his yard.

  2. That's right, Mr. Weber is backing Jim JENSEN not Jim TRIHEY.

  3. Sorry but the definition of slanderous is: Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation. If it was handed to you it was not oral communication. Also how do you know it was false?

  4. Seriously? Slanderous just means information trying to discredit someone. I just looked it up. Don't be so argumentative.
    I, personally, hate political slander. On either side. Like the author said, if you can't get in on your own reputation, don't run. But don't take cheap shots.

  5. As far as Gary Thompson endorsing Jim Trihey, they are Co-defendants in a federal lawsuit. Sticking to their 'story' would be the thing to do. I am voting for the other guy.

  6. Rose: I don't think anyone is trying to discredit Jim Trihey, I think hes done a pretty good job doing it to himself.The information was disclosed by the victim, there again another incident Dodge County is trying to cover up. The people of Dodge County deserve the right to know whats going on,we are tax payers. In the year Trihey has been sheriff hes been named in how many lawsuits? I give all the victims credit for their courage to be able to come forward and stand up for themselves, how many more will there be?

  7. I don't know why these people did not post my comments, but I had one on there earlier. Rose, Bill Weber is very unhappy that you used his name to endorse Jim Trihey. He is supporting Jim Jensen and has a sign in his yard. He stated that you had No right to do this and is not pleased about it!

  8. Then let Weber speak up for himself. He was a strong sheriff and is a good man. He never needed someone speaking for him.

  9. I've mad up my mind...I vote Bill weber :)

    1. As his granddaughter, I second that motion. :-)

  10. Weber would speak for himself, if at the time that Nathan posted the comment Bill wasn't in the hospital!! Perhaps you should have all your facts staight as well, before you tell people how others don't need to have them speak up!!

  11. My wife and I just voted for Jensen!


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