Thursday, October 28, 2010

Letter to the editor: Sheriff

Letter To the Editor:

I recently moved back to Dodge County, living the past 16 years in South Dakota, and I was most interested in the Sheriff’s race. Having worked in the Dodge County Auditor’s office many years I was familiar with Jim Jensen and Jim Trihey, both very nice men. I therefore had no idea who I would vote for-that is until Marigold Days when I was handed some slanderous information on one of the candidates and was told by the campaign person when I asked him did the candidate he represented endorse this and he answered yes he did. I could not believe it. This looked to be a desperate attempt to get some one elected. If you cannot run on your record and own accomplishments then don’t try cheap shots at your opponent. I am going to vote for Jim Trihey, not because of the blatant attempt to discredit him but because of his shown leadership, knowledge, ability and most of all experience. Having worked with Ernie Vanderhyde, Bill Weber and Gary Thompson, their confidence in Jim Trihey by promoting him to the position he now holds is a great endorsement for me. I believe Jim Trihey’s current position as acting sheriff will make him the most effective and excellent sheriff.

Rose Carlson
Kasson, MN

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Letter to the editor: uncover the covered up

Letter To the Editor:

 Citizens of Dodge County. I have done my best to uncover the covered up. I have spent hours on the phone, at the computer and talking to people to get information out to the public that was previously unknown to most. I have done this, because it was the right thing to do. I once again must state that I am supporting Jim Jensen for Dodge County Sheriff.

I have had the pleasure over the past few months of getting to know him much better. He has taught me so much about patience, perserverance, and tolerance. About turning the other cheek when people start the nastiest of lies, shaking it off, and being content with the truth. He has showed courage and commitment to the people of Dodge County for over 31 years. He is the best man for Sheriff.

This election is so much bigger than the past, and I am speaking about the national level. Our country is at a major cross roads. We need leaders that have strong dedication to family values and morals. If they can’t even be faithful to their own family, how can they  be faithful to yours or mine. Thank you to everyone who has voiced their opinions and concerns. You are what makes America great. Remember to VOTE on Nov 2nd. Its the AMERICAN thing to do.

Nathan Nord

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Letter to the editor:Was the KM School Board decision to improve the football field a good decision?

Letter To the Editor:

Was the KM School Board decision to improve the football field a good decision?

The KM school board made a decision to invest over a million dollars to improve the football field. Other than that it would be nice to have, there was little or no information on how or why the school board made the decision.  My view is that the KM school board should have provided information as why they made this versus some other more basic needs of the school district.  Below are some questions that I think the KM school board should provide answers for the KM school tax payers. If you have similar thoughts please contact a KM school board member.

 •What other projects were considered for use of the money used on the football field project and what were the deciding factors in picking the football field project?  Wouldn’t the retrofit of the current unused classrooms be a candidate for the money used on the football field?

 •What is the impact to the yearly school operating budget due to increases in the operating and maintenance cost over the old football field, and how does this change over the next 10 to 20 years?

 •There is an implied school tax increase if the money spent on the football field improvement could have been used for other maintenance improvement that would have decreased the need for another bond referendum.

One has to wonder if the school board strategy of spending over a million dollars on superfluous needs in 2010, and then floating a multimillion dollar bond referendum for more basic needs in 2011 or 2012 will work in the worst economical times since the Great Depression.

Jerry Harris

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Letter to the editor: Break in at American Legion

Letter To the Editor:

To the person or persons who broke into the Kasson American Legion;
We have one question for you: What did the Legion ever do to you?

The Kasson Legion has donated money and services to hundreds, if not thousands of people in this community for many, many years and your theft and destruction of our property has set those donations back quite far. The money you stole could have gone to Dollars for Scholars or sent a child to camp and the money that we now have to pay out for repairing what you destroyed could have helped with several youth or community projects or helped a family in need.
To what charity will you be donating that money?

Kasson American Legion Post 333

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New Stadium-KM

The rumor has turned out to be true. The last couple of weeks I have had people stop me on the street and ask if it was true  that the K-M School District was going to install an artificial surface to replace the grass on the competition field.

I have talked to many people who have questioned the move of spending  $1.1 million for the transformation of the field and construction of new bleachers for the home crowd, restrooms, press box and concession stand. The first words people say is  the money should be used for classrooms, books-educational needs. The problem is money has been set aside for facilities and grounds and the money has to be used for that purpose.

Superintendent Peter Grant has said no NEW tax dollars will be used to finance the project. Of course the $700,000 committed by the district from facilities and grounds are tax dollars. However, the stadium will not create new tax debt.  The remaining $365,000 is to be collected through fundraising, of which nearly $100,000 has already been committed.

A month ago I kiddingly said KMTelecom Field had a nice ring to it (no pun intended). As it turns out the field will be KMTelecom Stadium as a result of a 15-year $72,000 agreement between KMTelecom and the K-M School District.

There are people who will call such a project wasteful spending. If you read a related article in this week's edition of the DCI there is an explanation as to why the field is being rebuilt. I also feel there is justification for the project and support the move. With KMTelecom Stadium K-M is moving to another level, raising the bar for schools of this size in SE Minnesota.

The present grass field will be difficult to maintain when weather conditions deteriorate as we get further into fall.  Last year was a prime example of what can happen to a field that is unable to  recover late in the season from the elements,  especially when you have boys and girls soccer and football co-existing on the same surface.

I am also looking at it from a selfish standpoint, walking the sidelines and taking pictures. The new stadium in Rochester is a treat for covering athletic events because of the artificial surface. It also benefits fans and athletes.

I am standing behind the school district and their decision to build KMTelecom Stadium. Nay sayers are entitled to their opinion, but I think the stadium will be a good investment in athletics and our youth.  Like they said in the movie Field of Dreams, "Build It and They Will Come". It's going to happen!