Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mayors Memo

What an amazing autumn we are having!  This dry weather is great for finishing up those yard and home projects, getting crops out, and of course working on city projects.  However, I hope we experience some rain soon to avoid the drastic drought conditions that some of our neighboring areas and states are already dealing with.  

Update: 16th Street is progressing well.  The Aquatic Center (after some delays mostly relating to a permitting issue with the State) has started.  The target is still for a June 8th open date and that is what we are planning on.  So as much as we need the rain it can hold off for a little while!

You might have already noticed through all the constant TV and radio ads, that this is an election year.  Surprise!!??! While we have probably heard enough presidential ads to last us a lifetime, did you know at the local level we do have two positions on the council up for election and we have six candidates that are running (one for re-election and five other candidates)?  At the local level it can be difficult to find information on the candidates.  The DCI will once again be running as they have in the past, candidate questions and answers before the election along with the many ads that are sure to be in the paper as well.  However, I would suggest you give these candidates a call or if you know them and see them around town -- chat them up when you get the chance.  Without having a primary system set up, we are limited on how we can get to know the candidates.  And, with six candidates it can be even tougher.  Below is a listing of them in alphabetical order:

Steve Breza
Chuck Coleman
Dan Eggler
Rich Miller
Spencer Stevens
Sheldon Torkelson (currently serving on City Council)

We have many exciting things happening around town.  It’s a great time, I feel, for people to be getting involved and having six candidates is an indication that people are interested in what is going on around town.   

Also, if you want, you can access a copy of what our ballot in November will look like at the Secretary of State’s website.  That address is: http://myballotmn.sos.state.mn.us/
Or, you can go to the City’s Facebook page and access the site from the posting on September 25th. 
And, as always, feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or concerns. 

In your service,

Mayor Tim Tjosaas

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