As we continue to hope that spring is here to stay and summer is right around the corner, talk turns from weather to construction season! We will be seeing a lot of activity which is going to be good for our community. We will be finishing 16th Street and the Bridge. Work will start on a Park & Ride facility on the south side of Highway 14. We will also be putting down the second lift of blacktop out in the far northwest part of town along with fixing a few stretches of road south of Main Street.
Work is scheduled to begin soon on the site of the old Folkestad’s Garage. Plans are for the building to be gutted, cleaned up and renovated for use as a business incubator. Interest has already been expressed in that building, so getting it cleaned up and re-used will be great for our community and the downtown area.
Have you driven by the pool lately? Obviously, work has continued! With the challenges of a long, wet winter/spring there are some delays with the pool work. Please note that the contractors are doing everything they can to meet the open date. The building is coming along nicely, and we are hoping for a nice stretch of dry weather enabling them to finish the pool and deck work. The opening of the pool will be a great day!
Lastly, come on out for another “Meet the Mayor” meeting at Erdman’s deli from 8AM to 9AM on Saturday, June 1st. I’ll look forward to hearing about what’s on your mind!

In your service,
Mayor Tim Tjosaas
Is there a time frame on when they will fix the deep depression in the road on 5th St NW just west of 5th Ave. The city fixed it or so they thought and now when you drive over it, it is nothing more than a paved over pot hole