Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Letter to the editor: Musolf

Letter to the Editor:

In last week’s paper, Matt Nelson, a former volunteer firefighter and current city council member, had a Letter to the Editor published.

First, thank you Mr. Nelson for explaining the difference between Best Value Bidding and straight bidding.  In the Advertisement for Bids, Kasson Aquatic Center, Multi-Package Bid, etc., printed in the DCI, it states “All bids will be evaluated according to the Owner’s “Best Value Contracting” procedures as detailed in the bidding documents.”   In the Kasson City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of August 22, 2012, Public Forum section, it states that Chuck Coleman asked if Best Value was used on the bridge or the aquatics center.  City Administrator Lenth stated that Best Value was not used on the 16th Street Bridge project because of use of federal funds; but it is being used for portions of the aquatics center, of course the key word being portions.  It’s obvious why citizens might be confused.  This being said, I go back to my original point.  The taxpayers are paying $14,500 more than we should be.  We are not allowed to know why the City paid a settlement instead of going to court.  I understand this is normal procedure in many settlements, but the fact remains that we do not know.   

Second, if Mr. Nelson read my letter he would know that I NEVER questioned the NEED for a new ladder truck.  In fact, I stated that my husband, a former Kasson Fire Chief, assured me that the department DOES need a new ladder truck.  I may have had issues with the way some things were done in the past concerning the fire department, but obviously I, like all citizens, place the importance of our own safety and the safety of our firefighters above the importance of saving money.  I simply questioned the need for a truck with a ladder longer than any truck the Rochester Fire Department has.   

Of course we need to be thinking about where Kasson will be in the future, but I think it’s safe to say we will never be a “Rochester”.

Third, thank you for correcting me on the number of employees retiring.  Out of respect for my friends in the Public Works Department, I have no further comment on that issue.

Yes, Mr. Nelson, it has been about a year since I’ve attended a council meeting, and quite honestly I’m not sure what it would take to get me back to one.  I don’t feel it would be in my best interest to talk about my perception of the meetings I did attend.

I do not intend to involve myself in a back and forth war of words in the form of Letters to the Editor.  However, I felt a need to address this inaccuracy.

Georgiann Musolf

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