Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Letter To the Editor: In response to the letter regarding the Dodge County Sheriff

Letter To the Editor:

In response to the letter regarding the Dodge County Sheriff.

Allegations are something most law enforcement officers live with their entire career. Investigations are conducted for even the most frivolous of complaints. Some investigations are short and others are lengthy.
Some investigations result in finding no proof of wrong doing. Others may find some wrong doing or unprofessional behavior. While yet others may show serious wrong doing or even criminal behavior.
Law Enforcement conducts the same type of investigation on a complaint regardless who it involves.

Usually a department will not investigate allegations against someone within their own agency. An outside agency conducts the investigation in order to avoid any favoritism or protecting of a friend/co-worker.
Outside investigations cost more. After all the outside investigators have to travel to conduct interviews, etc. The investigators have to set aside their own work in order to deal with allegations from another county.

If no charges are filed, or no misconduct is found the investigation is closed. There is no need to publicly admonish a individual as nothing was done that was considered wrong.

If charges are determined to be warranted or serious administrative action need be taken - then it becomes a matter of Public Record.

If every allegation or complaint against every citizen were made a matter of Public Record, how much unwarranted humiliation, distrust, and other issues would develop within a community?

Now multiply that distrust for law enforcement officers if the same rules applied, even though most if not all allegations were found to be false or without merit.

Someone once said, "A man who makes no mistakes... is a man who is doing nothing." Officers or officials who have no complaints against them are not doing their job.
Criminals or those being charged with a crime after an investigation is completed are seldom happy with the officers arresting them... the lawyer representing them... the prosecutor... or the judge determining guilt or innocents!

Allegations are easily made... Yet often hard to prove... but more times than not, "Impossible to live down especially when exonerated".

Dave Elliott
Dodge Center
Retired Law Enforcement


  1. gee, seems to me its only public knowledge if your part of the general public, innocent till proven guilty? so your saying anyone charged with anything shoudnt be public knowledge until its proven they're guilty? because it DOESN'T work that way! I dont get a closed private hearing for anything do I? I'm general public. everyone has a right to know what he's being investigated for. my family was hurt by his actions. the public should know he shouldnt be representing this county!

  2. The people of Dodge county have a chance to elect a sheriff, not appoint one as our last sheriff. I have concerns on what has been written up in the paper. True, the deputy in question was under the supervision of the commander of the task force, yet, Trifhey's hand out states that he is on the board of directors, does this not make Trihey responsible as well, do not make job titles to fit situations to meet personal goals....


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