Tuesday, April 23, 2013

LTE: Wastewater Treatment Plans

Letter to the Editor,

We are writing this letter in response to all the articles and talk of combining Kasson and Mantorville’s wastewater treatment plants. We feel strongly that if Kasson and Mantorville continue to be separate cities with their own taxes, mayors, and councils, each city should care, maintain and be responsible for their own city services, such as the water treatment plants. We are well aware of Kasson's need to upgrade our system and take responsibility for our town's growth and feel Mantorville should be responsible for theirs. There are many towns in our surrounding area that share schools but each continue to have their own services and tax. We feel, as citizens of Kasson, this should be voted on by the people just as other city improvements have.

                Thank you,
                Luke and Katie Ranvek

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mayors Memo: Kasson

At last week’s City Council meeting a resolution was discussed in regards to the Destination Medical Center proposal.  Essentially the discussion was around the importance of the Mayo Clinic not only to Rochester but to all of southeast Minnesota.  Right here in Kasson they are one of our largest employers.

A few weeks back we passed a resolution on the DMC showing support in general for the project.  On Wednesday the 10th we passed a resolution offering to provide assistance to the DMC project.  It is an offer only at this point as the State Legislature would need to enact our proposal. 

Since the Kasson Mayo facility was built back in the 70’s the property has been in a TIF, or Tax Increment Financing, District.  Essentially all of the taxes since then have been paid but then are rebated back to the Clinic to offset the infrastructure costs when the building was constructed.  This resolution that we passed would in many ways keep that general kind of financing plan in place.  We would dedicate the $35000 in taxes to be paid per year to the DMC for the next 20 years. 

What do we gain by this?  At the core we show we understand cooperation and that by working together with other communities and businesses all of southeast Minnesota can remain vibrant.  Potentially we gain infrastructure improvements.  Hopefully we gain the trust of those around us to show that we take seriously the vibrancy of our community and will find creative ways to ensure it.  It is safe to say that without the Mayo Clinic Kasson would not be the town that it is today. 

Furthermore, technically since the city has not received the benefit of the increased taxes since the clinic was built the cost to our budget is not the $35000 per year but is only roughly $2400.  I feel strongly that this is a wise and prudent investment.  

We don’t know where this will end up.  We do know though that this is potentially a once in a lifetime opportunity to engage and act on a proposal that could transform our area for decades. 
If you have any questions about this please let me know.  Thank you.

In your service,
Mayor Tim Tjosaas