For several months now, the Dodge County Independent has published an editorial column from two fictional characters named Flo and Jo. The amazing thing about the column is the DCI has never published the actual author’s name and they don’t really let the reader know this is an editorial piece. The column has been used to attack the Kasson City Council on several occasions. Typically, when a newspaper publishes something like this, they will include the author’s name. Last week, at least, the column appeared on the editorial page. It might be more fitting if the DCI had a “fiction” page and it appeared there. Which leads me to the other amazing thing about the column, rarely does it contain factual data.
Last week’s column from Flo/Jo was a prime example of how KARE tries to distort the facts or just not even bother with facts. Yes, several years ago the City of Kasson had to take down the old limestone fireplace in North Park. It had not aged well and was becoming quite dangerous. The City brought in a professional stone layer to look at it. The cost to repair was extremely high. And, it is true that someone from KARE offered the services of a stone layer friend of hers. However, it was quickly determined this stone layer was not licensed, was not certified, and was not insured. Unfortunately, upon learning this, the City could not legally use his services. Regarding the old limestone wall, though, what Flo/Jo wrote is completely false. The City has never talked about taking down this wall. I also found it interesting at the recent Dodge County Expo KARE had a picture of the stone wall with the word “Endangered” written across it. Where does this come from? Why are they spreading this type of disinformation?
Two weeks ago Kenton Spading wrote a letter to the editor that implied our current City Council does not have good people serving on it. I was literally shocked and a little hurt by that. And then, I had to wonder on what does he base his opinion? He hasn’t lived in Kasson since the late 1970’s. He has been to one Council meeting in the last 8 or 9 years. Why does he, and his group called KARE, want to spread vitriol and anger in an apparent attempt to divide Kasson? After reading Kenton’s letter and the last two Flo/Jo columns, I think I now know who the author of Flo/Jo is.
KARE has asked the City of Kasson for numerous requests over the last few years and the City has been pretty agreeable. I would now like to ask KARE for something. Starting immediately, KARE should print the actual author’s name with the Flo/Jo column. They also need to spell out in their column where the information they are printing comes from. I have never seen a group given the ability to publish disinformation, innuendo, and fiction in an editorial and then not even be required to include their name. It baffles me.
The Mayor of Kasson and the City Council has been very respectful and accommodating during the ongoing saga of the Old School building. It is unfortunate KARE has not always returned that favor.
Matt Nelson