I have lived in this community over 40 years and have seen so many changes. Some are positive ones. One change I have observed in the last few years is the dilapidation of our swimming pool in “Veterans Memorial Park”.
Our north park is so lovely and has so many wonderful features to it but the pool has something to be desired. I have always thought that the center focus of the park was the pool. It has always centered around family picnics, swimming lessons, adult swim and the everyday swimming schedule, not to mention the play ground, volleyball court and the baseball diamonds. But is our park being used enough?
I am very interested in starting a task force with a search and discovery committee to investigate the raising of funds/ and or grants to revitalize our community swimming pool. We need a new one.
In a community as large as Kasson we need to always look for improvements. The swimming pool is one.
My mother was instrumental in the “renaming” of “Veterans Memorial Park” This was one of her projects when she was American Legion Auxiliary President. I know that she would agree.
St. Charles’ community developed and built a new pool with the help of the residents who took up the torch and made it happen. Many people from Rochester go there to swim.
Many people from Kasson go to Dodge Center’s new pool to swim. Why should we accept that?
We are a large enough city that we should be supporting our own recreation for our children and our adults.
I am asking for volunteers that would like to be on this committee to call me at 634-4472 if they are interested in this endeavor.
Let’s make this a community goal. We can do this.
Sue Harwood
As seen in the picture above, during Kasson Festival in the Park, the pool is also a place for fun contests and activities during the Festival.